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A full view of the freshly baked pizza topped with vibrant red tomato sauce, melted mozzarella, and fresh green basil.

Best Homemade Pizza Recipe With 72-Hour Dough

Making pizza dough is easier than you might think, but it does require patience! It only requires a handful of ingredients and barely any equipment, as you can use your hands to create a masterpiece matching in flavour to your favourite pizza restaurant, it’s that good. The sauce and toppings are also in your hands - pick your favourites and add, just please make sure there is no pineapple...got it? Do your best to source a high quality mozzarella, it makes all the difference. This recipe requires a 72-hour dough fermentation, so you'll need to plan your pizza night 3 days in advance. I promise, the wait is absolutely worth it for the incredible flavour and texture this process brings to the final product!


  • Stand mixer equipped with a bowl and dough hook attachments
  • Large-sized bowls
  • 2 medium-sized bowl for the sauce and semolina
  • Damp cloth
  • Kitchen scale
  • Dough scraper
  • Plastic wrap
  • Large-sized pizza tray (optional) or large-sized airtight containers
  • Tomato crusher
  • Ladle
  • Wooden pizza peel
  • Pizza spatula
  • An oven (any kind) that reaches 350°C/ (662°F)
  • Pizza cutter


For the Pizza Dough:

  • 1 kg 35 oz pizza flour
  • 650 ml 2.7 cups cold water
  • 8.4 g 2 Tsp dry yeast
  • 30 g 5 Tsp salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil EVOO
  • 340 g 1 cup semolina to stretch the dough ( plus extra)

For the Pizza Sauce and Toppings:

  • 2 cans whole peeled tomatoes San Marzano if you can source)
  • 1 ball fresh Fior di latte or Buffalo Mozzarella
  • Pecorino Romano cheese grated
  • A handful of fresh basil


For the Pizza Dough:

    Day 1:

    • Mix a handful of pizza flour to the bowl with 650 ml of cold water. Then, add the yeast to the cold water and mix thoroughly to activate it. ,
    • In a large bowl, loosen the flour, form a well in the centre, and add salt.
    • Gradually add the yeast mixture to the flour and mix with one hand. Continue to add water and begin kneading in the bowl until all liquid is absorbed and the dough begins to form, which should take about 20 minutes.
    • Transfer the dough to a clean surface to knead further. The dough will be pretty sticky - don’t panic! Keep working on it, pushing it forward and back with the palms of your hands, picking it up to rotate it. Repeat until the dough starts to become smooth.
    • Place the dough back in the bowl and cover it with a damp cloth for 30 minutes. After this time, remove the dough from the bowl and knead briefly for another 5-10 minutes.
    • Next, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) over the dough and in the bowl. Knead for 1-2 minutes to incorporate the oil. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and seal with plastic wrap
    • Allow the dough to rest outside of the fridge for 2 hours, then refrigerate overnight.

    Day 2:

    • The next morning, remove the dough from the fridge, knead to reinforce for 10 minutes. Then, cover the bowl with a damp cloth and wrap it in plastic to prevent drying.
    • Let it rest outside the fridge for 2 hours, then refrigerate for one more day.

    Day 3:

    • Remove the dough from the fridge; it should have expanded and feel soft.
    • Gently remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a clean surface.
    • Divide it into six 270g pieces using a dough cutter and kitchen scale.
    • Shape each piece into smooth, tight balls, then place them in a pizza tray or airtight containers to prevent air exposure. Let them rise for 4 hours until they're ready to stretch.

    For the Pizza Sauce and Toppings:

    • In a bowl, use the tomato crusher to gently crush the whole peeled tomatoes, creating a rustic-style sauce.
    • Add a pinch of salt, stir and set aside.
    • Cut the mozzarella, and any other ingredients you intend to use.

    Stretching the Dough:

    • Prepare a bowl of semolina flour- to lightly coat the dough balls. Sprinkle a small amount on top of each ball before removing them from the pizza tray.
    • One by one, using a dough scraper, place each dough ball in the bowl of semolina. Press each ball gently into the semolina on both sides, avoiding the edges to help form the crust.
    • Remove the dough ball from the semolina and gently shake off any excess flour.
    • For easier stretching, invert a large mixing bowl and drape the dough over it, pulling down evenly to create a round shape.
    • Flip the dough and stretch the other side to ensure an even circle. Place the stretched dough on a wooden pizza peel, rough side up, ready for toppings.

    Making the Pizza:

    • Make sure the oven is heated to 350°C/662°F.
    • Use a ladle to add sauce to the pizza and gently spread it around with the bottom of this utensil. Sprinkle Pecorino Romano cheese and place 6-8 basil leaves on the sauce. Add mozzarella on top of the basil to protect it from burning and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO).
    • Give the pizza peel a gentle shake to ensure the dough isn't stuck, and drop it into the oven.
    • Bake the pizza for 3 minutes, rotating every 30 seconds to ensure even cooking. After the initial 3 minutes, rotate every 5 seconds if necessary, until the crust is crispy, which might take an additional 25 seconds.
    • Slice the pizza while it’s hot and serve immediately.
